3 Advantages of Working with an Independent Mortgage Broker

At the BlueRock Wealth Management, our goal is to help you finance your dream home and achieve your long-term financial goals, no matter what form those goals take. In our experience, many home buyers can be reluctant to work with an independent mortgage broker instead of a larger institution, and we want to encourage you to look into all of your options. In this article, we’ll go over three advantages of working with an independent mortgage broker to help you decide if this route is right for you.

3 Advantages of Working with an Independent Mortgage Broker

  1. Better Access. One advantage of working with an independent mortgage broker is that they can open up doors that would otherwise be closed. Some lenders work exclusively with mortgage brokers, so our team can give you access to options you wouldn’t otherwise have. In addition, our team has relationships with many institutions that allow us to offer special rates to our clients.
  2. Less Legwork. Another advantage of an independent mortgage broker is that we can take over a lot of the legwork for you. Instead of having to research many different institutions on your own, contact them, fill out their forms, etc., you can turn that process over to our capable hands. Since we are in regular contact with a wide network of lenders, we can get you answers faster and speed the process along.
  3. Personalized Assistance. The biggest advantage of working with an independent mortgage broker, but particularly our team, is that we offer you the personalized assistance you need to truly achieve your long-term financial goals. Our team starts by meeting with you to learn more about your goals and help you put them into words, then we create a detailed and customized action plan to help you achieve them. We give you access to a wide variety of options to support your unique goals and needs, and we will continue to work with you to make sure that your needs continue to be met over time.
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